If you’re looking for some driving test tips to help you pass your driving test the first time, then you have come to the right place! These driving test tips cover the most important things that you should keep in mind before and during your driving test so you’ll see the best results from your efforts.
- Get lots of practice : You can practice in places like empty parking lots with a trusted adult to help you learn the best techniques.
- Get comfortable with three point turns and parking : Practice both of these skills until they’re not a challenge for you at all, because you will be tested on them!
- Get comfortable with your testing area : After scheduling your test, find the area you will be tested in and drive around there for awhile.
- Inspect your vehicle before you show up for the test : Your vehicle will go through an inspection before you even take the test to ensure that minimum standards are met. To avoid having your test cancelled because your car doesn’t measure up, check all the lights and tires the day before your test. Also, make sure you are familiar with all the buttons your car has, such as how to use the AC, windshield wipers, horn, hazard lights and emergency brake.
- Gather all the necessary paperwork the night before : You will be required to present, at the very least, your learner’s permit, and proof of insurance and registration on the car you will be taking the test with. So you’re not scrambling around for this paperwork the morning of the test, gather it the night before and put it all in one place where you will not forget it.
- Use a car for your test that you’ve had plenty of practice with : It takes time to get used to a new car and adjust yourself to the sensitivities of its steering wheel and brakes. There is a time and a place to get used to a new car and it is not your driving test; that is why you should use the car you learned to drive in for your test, if at all possible.
- Wear your seatbelt : Make sure to put it on as soon as you get into the car, or the person performing the test will definitely notice.
- Hold the steering wheel with both hands : The person giving you your test will make sure that your hands are positioned properly on the steering wheel and that you do not let go of the wheel throughout the duration of the test.
- Stop a reasonable distance from the car in front of you : A good general rule to go by in situations where you have to stop behind another car, such as at a red light or a stop sign, is that you should be able to see the tires of the car in front of you.
- Do not cross solid lines : This will most likely result in an automatic failure of your driving test.
By following these 10 driving test tips, you are extremely likely to pass your driving test on your first attempt. Also, make sure to get a good night’s sleep and eat before the test so you aren’t distracted by being tired or hungry!
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