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Your Learner Log Book

Get it right or you won’t be allowed to take a licence test
All Learner permit holders less than 21 years of age who obtained their learner permit on or after I July 2007 must have…
• passed the hazard perception test,
• be at least 18 years old,
• have held their Learner Permit for at least one year
• And have recorded at least 120 hours of driving experience (including at least 10 hours at night)
Before applying for a practical drive test.
The checklist on page 12 of the Learner Log Book section of the Learner Kit provides more detail regarding these requirements.
Your hours of driving experience must be recorded in the Log Book that Vic Roads gave you when you obtained your Learner Permit.
This Log Book is a legal document. It is your legal responsibility to make sure all details are completed accurately.
Every detail for every trip must be entered accurately. That means…
• Only use a pen.
• Complete all details for every trip.
• Fill in odometer readings — not trip meter readings.
• If you make a mistake, put a line through the entire entry and rewrite it on the next line.
• Do not use whiteout.
• Make sure the correct total is carried forward from the bottom of one page to the top of the next.
• Ensure the Log Book s not damaged illegible or missing pages.
It is a good idea to photocopy each page you finish. If you lose your Log Book you can use these copies to re-enter details in a replacement Log Book and have them all resigned by the Supervising Drivers (photo copies are not acceptable). You can buy a new Log Book for $16 by contacting Vic Roads on 13 11 71 or online via
The instructions are described on pages 1 to 5 of the Learner Log Book.
The Declaration of Completion on page 6 must only be completed by you and your main supervising driver after you have finished using your log book.
Each of your Supervising Drivers must complete one of the forms on pages 9 to 11. Extra pages can be downloaded at www.vicroads.vic.qov,au
If on the day of your licence test Vic Roads does not accept your Log Book you will…
• Not be allowed to take the licence test.
• have to wait at least 6 weeks before you can take another test.
• lose all your fees.
Finally, it is suggested you do not stop recording trips once you reach 120 hours. Go for morel you will then have some hours ‘in reserve’ if any entries are deemed to be invalid and have to be deducted. Remember, you must not fall below 120 hours by the time you take your licence test.
Prepared by the Australian Driver Trainers Association (Victoria)
Your Drive Test in VIC

(Effective 1 July 2008, Source VIC Roads)
New probationary drivers have a high risk of being
involved in a crash.
To increase the safety of young drivers, there are new
rules for learner and probationary drivers:
• Most learner drivers must have at least 120 hours of
supervised driving experience before attempting to
pass the tests needed for a probationary licence.
• After passing the tests, there will be a two-stage
probationary period: P1 (red plate) for one year and
P2 (green plate) for three years.
All learner drivers have to pass two tests to get their
licence – the Hazard Perception Test and an on-road
practical Drive Test.
The Drive Test helps identify drivers who are ready to
drive safely on their own.
You’re more likely to pass the Drive Test if you:
• Have had at least 120 hours of supervised driving
• Have had supervised driving experience in a broad
range of different driving conditions – such as at night,
in wet weather, and on roads with different speed
• Can drive safely and legally in different driving
situations – such as in normal and busy traffic, at
intersections, and on multilane roads.
Use the VicRoads Learner Kit to help you get the driving
practice that you need.
Follow the four stages in the Learner Kit to safely guide
your driving practice and make sure you correctly fill in
the Learner Log Book as you go.
You will receive a free copy of the Learner Kit when you
pass your learner permit test (on or after 1 July 2007).
This brochure has general information about what you
need to know and do to pass your Drive Test in Victoria.
Read it carefully to help you prepare for your test.
For more detailed information about the test, and learner
and probationary requirements and to view the Learner
Kit, you should visit the VicRoads website at
Graduated Licensing System systems implementation causes delays

As of today Vic Roads are not taking any bookings for July Tests until may 2008.
This makes it very difficult for driving instructors and clients alike to plan ahead and disrupts driving school business and the public at large.
Test bookings for June 2008 are all ready full, this has been caused by the new Graduated Licensing System systems implementation as of the 1st of July 2008.
Graduated Licensing System creates rush on Melbourne Driving Schools

New key changes facing Learner and Probationary Drivers due with the introduction of the new Graduated Licensing System on 1st of July 2008 have created a rush for driving schools in Melbourne for driving students wanting to get their driver’s licence before the 1st of July reports David Putney from Eastern Suburbs Driving School.
New Probationary licence criteria creates VIC Roads build up of bookings
As of the 1st of July any person who goes for a driving licence test falls under the new criteria of the Probationary licence which will be covering not a 3 year, but 4 year period. The first 12 months being on a red P plate, the follwing 36 months on a green P plate providing probationary drivers have a clean record over the first 12 months. David reports that as of 4th of April VIC Roads build up of bookings for probationary licence tests at some VIC Roads offices are now at the end of June.