In Victoria, there are several hundred thousand crashes every year.
These crashes are not accidents – they are due to drivers making mistakes.
Not all driving mistakes result in a crash. Think about the mistakes you’ve seen drivers make without causing a crash:
-cutting off other cars
-not giving way
-misjudging gaps
-trying to overtake when it’s not safe
-just not seeing other road users
If driving is so easy, why do so many drivers regularly make mistakes, sometimes resulting in crashes?
All young drivers face the same challenges because driving is complicated. It requires a lot of time and effort to become a good driver.
Research has shown that a minimum of 120 hours of supervised practice as a learner and restrictions on new solo drivers for the first few years, can help reduce the risk of a crash. This is why Victoria has introduced the Graduated Licensing System, including the mandatory 120 hours to be completed in the Learner Log Book by those aged under 21 years of age when applying for a Probationary Licence.
Source VicRoads Road to Solo Driving