VicRoads creates its tests to ensure that drivers have the right combination of skills for safe driving. These represent the final challenge for most learner drivers, a kind of gateway before the world of solo driving is at last opened up for them. The result of these tests are a Probationary licence, which now exists in a graduated system of red and green plates. Driving tests consist of two main parts, the Hazard Perception Test and the Drive Test.
It’s usually recommended by VicRoads that the two tests be completed on separate days. This is is done because, if the Hazard Perception Test is failed, you won’t have to relinquish your booking for the drive test immediately afterwards – a costly mistake to make. The Hazard Perception Test is a video-based test that takes place at a selected VicRoads office. A image appears on screen, and the potential licencee must indicate using a mouse when a hazard (such as a cyclist or passing traffic) arises or clears. With adequate preparation, the Hazard Test can be easily surmounted by most young drivers, placing the learner in a good position for the drive test.
The Drive Test is what most people think of when they consider going for their Probationary licence. This involves an on-road test where a VicRoads assessor conducts a series of exercises designed to test driver’s abilities in actual traffic. This is often the most daunting and challenging part of the licensing ordeal. Of course, like the Hazard Perception test, it can be managed with prior preparation. Driving lessons are useful in their capacity for preparing young drivers for the test. The instructors at ESDS know exactly what skills are necessary for passing. That’s why it’s a great idea to book a lesson with us before your next drive test.
Remember, once you get you P-Plates, don’t forget to display them prominently on your vehicle. The tests are the first steps towards the world of independent driving.