It never ceases to amaze me that parents will spend an absolute fortune on educating their children via secondary colleges ,universities and other higher educational venues, including private tutors to help them along the way to a better education
and rightfully so.
Monies are also spent on pursuing higher levels of education in music tuition and sporting endeavours but the perception among
some, is that as far as driving is concerned near enough is good enough.
The number of times we as driving instructors hear that my son or daughter only needs to be taught how to park a vehicle
is alarming and of concern.
When assessing these people we find that the tuition and information given to be either inaccurate or out dated and in fact
This seems to stem from a culture of driving lessons are to expensive and not necessary, by some in the community ,
but when you factor in driving lessons, as a total package of a young persons overall education , it is money well spent.
What price to we put on the safety of our learner drivers ?