1 January ALCOHOL INTERLOCKS INTRODUCED FOR YOUNG FIRST TIME OFFENDERS From 1 January 2007, a probationary driver or any driver under 26, caught for a drink driving offence involving a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .07 or higher, will have an alcohol interlock fitted to their car when they return to driving. If the interlock detects any alcohol on a driver’s breath, the car won’t start.
1 July NEW LEARNER PERMIT RULES INTRODUCED From 1 July 2007, a learner driver (under 21) must stay on their learner permit for at least 12 months before they can apply for their probationary licence. They also have to carry their permit whenever they drive.
1 July 120 HOURS OF SUPERVISED DRIVING From 1 July 2007, a learner driver (under 21) must have logged at least 120 hours of supervised driving, including a minimum of 10 hours night driving, before they can apply for a P1 probationary licence.
1 July
NEW RESTRICTIONS ON DRIVING HIGH POWERED VEHICLESFrom 1 July 2007, new restrictions make it easier for probationary drivers to identify the car they can legally drive.
1 July A NEW TWO STAGE PROBATIONARY LICENCE WILL BEGINThe current single probationary licence will be replaced by a one year P1 probationary licence (red plate), followed by a three year P2 probationary licence (green plate).
1 July PASSENGER RESTRICTION FOR P1 DRIVERFrom 1 July 2008, a P1 driver can only carry one passenger aged between 16 and 21.