Stop Sign

Giving way to vehicles at intersections
Stop or Give Way signs or lines at an
After stopping at a Stop sign or line, or
when facing a Give Way sign or line at
an intersection, you must give way to
any vehicle in, entering or approaching
the intersection except:
• a vehicle making a U-turn
• a vehicle turning left using a
slip lane
• an oncoming vehicle turning right if
that vehicle is also facing a Stop or
The Driving Instructor

A driving instructor must have.
– Excellent driving record.
– Thorough knowledge of road law and its interpretation.
– An acute awareness of all surroundings.
– The ability to recognise hazards.
– The ability to communicate effectively with a broad range of people.
– The decision making skills to enhance safety.
– The experience and maturity to stay calm and measured in difficult situations
– The instructor must also have infinite patience and understanding with learner drivers and other road users.
You may have all of the above but you must then have the following qualification, reports and checks to obtain a Driving Instructor Authority.
– Certificate 1V in Transport.
– And the following reports and checks
– State Police Certificate issued in the last six months
– Medical certificate {Assessment of Fitness to Drive}
– Vision Acuteness Certificate
– Working with children check and registration so as you can legally work with children under eighteen years of age.
Nervous Drivers Are Our Speciality

Nervous Drivers Are Our Specialty
A great driver is a confident driver, but confidence comes with experience, and experience comes with time. Fortunately, Eastern Suburbs Driving School specialises in helping nervous drivers put in the time, gain the experience and develop the skills necessary to achieve that confidence.
We make it our mission to ensure that those who are looking for driving lessons in Melbourne, but who are also experiencing a few nerves and jitters, are not put off by this and can achieve their goal of becoming a confident and skillful driver.
How We Can Help
Anyone who is learning a new skill is going to experience a few nerves at some point, and this is only natural. Understandably, the nerves associated with learning to drive can be a little more intense than usual.
Those early driving experiences can be incredibly overwhelming and nerve-wracking, and there are many reasons why novice drivers feel nervous when getting behind the wheel. We’ve outlined a few of the most commons ones below, along with some accompanying information about how Eastern Suburbs Driving School can help you to turn those nerves in energy for positive action.
No Driving Experience = No Confidence
Our instructors are not only highly trained in the art of driving tuition, but also have excellent interpersonal skills. Empathy, patience and friendliness are all key characteristics of a good teacher in any field, and driving is certainly no exception. Because of this, our instructors will be able to coach you competently and with warmth, gently giving you the confidence you need to drive effectively.
The Open Road Is a Scary Place
To a non-driver or a relative novice, high levels of traffic and complicated interchanges and junctions can make the process of driving a scary and overwhelming one. Our team take the fear out of driving by fostering confidence and self-belief in novice learners, helping them progress quickly. Overcoming fear is all about knowing that you have the tools to deal with any problems you might face; Eastern Suburbs Driving School can give you those tools.
There Is So Much to Learn
Learning the rules of the road and gaining your 120 hours’ worth of driving experience means learning a lot in a relatively short time. This is why our courses and lessons are specifically designed to help you to take all that fresh information on board, without getting too overwhelmed. What’s more, our service is incredibly comprehensive and our range of add-on courses and extras help novice drivers become confident road users in no time.
Why We Are the Best
Our family-run driving school is renowned for its positive and friendly atmosphere, making us the ideal choice for novice drivers seeking to overcome their nerves in a warm and supportive environment. We also know Melbourne like the backs of our hands, which means that we can offer support, guidance and hands-on driving experience directly to you, wherever you are located within the city and its surrounding suburbs. Looking for driver training from Belgrave to Monbulk and Canterbury to Tremont? We’ve got you covered!
All our drivers are fully accredited and have received the driver training Certificate 4, and so the quality of our service is guaranteed. You don’t spend 25 years at the top of driving school tree by accident, and our thousands previous and current clients can vouch for our expertise, both in terms of driving and in tuition.
Would you like to experience the benefit of an Eastern Suburbs Driving School course? Contact us today at 1300-888-082 to get started! Oh, and don’t forget to pay us a visit on Facebook.
Licence Test Fail

The 4 Most Common Driver’s Licence Test Fails (and How to Avoid Them)
Are you getting ready to take your driver’s licence test to become legal on the road? As you already know, there are several specific challenges you’ll have to face to pass your test. And as many motorists will tell you, there are also plenty of steps where you might fail your test and need to take it again.
Have a look at our list of the 4 most common reasons people fail their driver’s licence tests. That way, you can be sure you’ll have the knowledge and skills that are required to pass without any problems.
1. Speeding During any Part of the Exam
Many new drivers – especially younger drivers – don’t take speed into consideration for their tests. They’re so preoccupied with every other aspect of the exam that speed drops to the bottom on their priority list. As you may have guessed, however, this is a big mistake.
Believe it or not, speed is the most common reason people end up failing their tests.
Maintaining a safe speed is a critically important aspect for overall driver safety. That means you need to remain aware of your speed at all times. From the car park onto the open road, keep your speed under control and within the limit at all times. Even one slip-up here could end up as a failed test.
2. Unfamiliar with Your Car’s Console Controls
Another common failure point occurs before you even head out onto the road. Your examiner will ask you to demonstrate where all the important console controls are located in your vehicle. If you can’t identify these components, you probably won’t even get a chance to show your skills on the road!
Fortunately, this step is fairly easy to master. Take some time to go through your car’s controls and verify where every essential component is located. This includes turn signals, headlight controls, hazard lights, windshield wipers and defrosters. Make sure you have no doubt in your mind where these components are located and you won’t have a problem on test day.
3. Not Checking Your Mirrors When Pulling Onto the Road
If you make it through your console verification, your next step is to get out onto the road and demonstrate your competence. However, in many cases the examiner will stop you right as you pull out from your parking space and fail you.
Why does this failure occur?
The answer to this question is simply your own failure to take precautionary measures. You have to check your mirrors and verify you are all clear to pull out onto the road. Not completing this step will likely earn you points off your test – or even failing marks. Remember, always check before you pull out from driveways, parking spots, and other areas.
4. Dangerous Driving on the Road
Finally – and probably most importantly – you need to drive safely once you’re on the road. Safe driving includes the already mentioned driving speed, safe practices for road signs and traffic lights, correct usage of turning signals and windshield wipers (if necessary), and no unsafe merging or other in-traffic behaviour. If you show any sign of dangerous or irresponsible driving, your instructor will quickly end the test with failing marks on your examination.
Safe driving doesn’t just come with experience. You need to learn all the provisions of the road before you start spending time in traffic. From there, take some time practising to make sure you feel 100% comfortable behind the wheel. That way, you won’t have any trouble driving safely during your test.
Eastern Suburbs Driving School – Your Key to Passing Your Driver’s Test
If you want to make sure that you have all the skills you’ll need to pass your test with flying colours, contact Eastern Suburbs Driving School today. Their team of experienced professionals will provide specialty training perfectly suited to help you become a better driver. From nervous beginners to learning how to drive defensively, you’ll get all the skills you need to pass your driver’s test – and become comfortable and confident out on the road.
To learn more about the school, including the current 6 classes for 5 promotion, contact Eastern Driving School today at 1300-888-082 or visit their website.
The Hook Turn

To do a hook turn you must follow these steps.
- Approach and enter the intersection from the far left hand lane and have your right indicator on.
- Move forward to the other side of the intersection, keeping as near as possible to the left of the intersection and clear of any pedestrian crossings.
- Stay stopped until the traffic lights on the road you are turning into have turned green.
- Turn right into the road.
Driving With Trams

Road Law and When You Should Give Way to Trams in Melbourne, Australia
Trams may seem a bit troublesome to drivers at times, but it’s worthwhile to consider what a valuable addition they are to Melbourne. They help to reduce traffic congestion on the roads by offering people an alternative way to travel, and they provide a safe, environmentally friendly way to cross the city. Make sure you are familiar with the rules concerning trams on the road, not only to avoid an expensive fine but also to keep everyone safe and happy as they travel.
Recognising Tramways
You will recognise a tramway because it will have overhead signs that say, ‘Tram Only’ and two solid yellow lines or raised dividing strips beside the tram tracks. Do not drive in a tramway or cross the raised dividing strips unless you need to avoid an obstacle. Otherwise, you could be fined $117.
Recognising Tram Lanes
Tram lanes have overhead signs that say, ‘Tram Lane,” and a solid yellow line beside the tram tracks. Some tram lanes are full-time, and some are part-time, in which case a sign will tell you at what times it is a tram lane. When it is outside these hours, you can drive in the tram lane.
If you need to turn right or avoid something in the road, you can drive in a tram lane for up to 50 metres. Only do so if you will not cause any delay to a tram. If you drive in a tram lane, you could be fined $117. If there are breaks in the dividing strips, you can drive through, but you must give way to trams or vehicles already on the road you are entering.
Waiting Behind a Tram
It is against the law to pass a tram when it has stopped and opened its doors. If you try to pass a tram when it has stopped, you could well be reported to Victoria Police. Be aware that they will take action!
If you are behind a tram and it stops and opens its doors, you must wait. Stay level with the rear of the tram until it has closed its doors and all of the passengers have cleared the road before you proceed. Once the doors are closed and it is safe, you can pass a stationary tram at a tram stop but you must not go any faster than 10km/h. You could be fined $292 for failure to adhere to these rules.
Safety Zones
Safety Zones are located near a tram stop and are clearly marked with a yellow sign. There will be a traffic island to protect pedestrians. You can pass a tram that is stopped at a safety zone; proceed at a slow, safe speed, be aware of pedestrians, and drive to the left of the safety zone.
Sharing the Road with Trams
Do not move into the path of an approaching tram. When you come to a roundabout, give way to all trams. If you fail to do so, you risk a fine of $204. Do not move into the path of a tram or you could be fined $117.
The Melbourne Hook Turn
When driving in Melbourne, be aware of the hook turn, a maneuver designed to keep the center of the road clear for trams. The hook turn only applies in the CBD; since cars are not allowed in tram lanes, it is not possible to have dedicated lanes for turning right. Instead, when you want to turn right, you do so from the left with the help of the traffic lights. Indicate right but stay left while your light is green so traffic and trams can pass. As your lights turn red, you complete your right turn. Remember to keep clear of the pedestrian crossings.
You must not make a U-turn across a solid line in the centre of the road or you could face a fine of $233.
Do not park near tram stops. Park at least 20 metres away, unless a sign permits parking nearer to the tram stop. The fine for parking too close is $117.
The fine for double parking is $70.
These are the current laws in Melbourne at the time of writing. Remember to adhere to them at all times to keep yourself safe, as well as other road users, pedestrians, and people using the trams. Thanks for reading and enjoy driving around Melbourne!
Driving Lesson Guarantee

Driving Lesson Guarantee
Learning a new skill – especially one as useful for your life and career as driving – shouldn’t be a chore. As a new learner, we want you to experience the same passion and excitement for driving as we do, and we want to accompany you as your confidence grows behind the wheel.
We feel that, if you are to progress as a driver, that progression needs to take place in a pressure-free environment, where we can nurture your driving skills in partnership with you, and at your own pace. You never know – it might even be fun!
This is why we offer our driving lesson guarantee, to ensure that our clients are getting the very best out of our service and to make sure that we stay on top of our game, both as driving instructors and also as personal mentors.
Our Guarantee
Our guarantee is a simple one: we provide you enjoyable and informative driver training, or you don’t pay!
This might seem like a big risk on our part, but it simply represents our commitment to our clients. All our services are completely client-focussed, and are specifically developed to give people of any background a reliable pathway to get them driving.
We believe that the best way to learn is to enjoy yourself, while also taking on vital information from one of our expert tutors, and this is why we put our money where our mouths are. If you don’t feel comfortable, you are not enjoying your tuition, or you are not learning anything, just don’t pay! It is as straightforward as that!
But our guarantee also represents something else; it represents our confidence in our services. We have worked hard to hone our services and to train our instructors not only to teach you the driving skills you need, but also to work closely with you in boosting your confidence and helping you enjoy your experience.
We are confident that you will, and that, with our help, you will be able to make great leaps in pursuing your driving career. Remember, wherever you are based in Melbourne’s eastern suburbs, the Eastern Suburbs Driving School can give you the boost you need to get driving.
Our Service
In order for us at Eastern Suburbs Driving School to get paid, we need to make sure we are really bringing our A-game! So, how do we accomplish this? We begin by designing all our lessons with the client in mind, giving them hands-on driving experience in a safe and positive environment.
Next, we ensure effective and ongoing training for our instructors, ensuring that they are not only well versed in matters of the road, but are also able to deliver information and tuition with warmth, kindness, patience and clarity. It is the interpersonal skills displayed by our instructors that we are most proud of, and which help our students get the best results.
Finally, we must check and re-check the entire process, ensuring that our customers and clients are receiving the very best in driver training. The proof of our effectiveness is found in our impressive pass rate and our almost unparalleled levels of customer satisfaction.
Our Ethos
All of this fits in neatly with our ethos, which is to give Melbourne’s learner drivers the best possible experience when they are learning to drive, and to help them gain the confidence they need to drive effectively.
We would love for you to test out our services, and with a money back guarantee like this one, what have you got to lose?
Get in touch with us today on 03-9722-9684 or visit our contact page to learn more about what we can offer.