When you’re driving, you need to observe the environment and quickly respond to hazards that may appear unexpectedly. The Hazard Perception Test is a computer based test that you must pass before you do the driving test. It has 28 scenarios and you have 45 minutes to complete this test. The pass mark for this test is 54%.
If you follow this guide, you should not have any difficulty in understanding and passing this test.
- Attempt All 4 practice items at the start and if you get any of these wrong repeat all 4
- Read the instructions carefully so that you understand what is required.
- Check your speed on the Speedo on the monitor.
- Assess what the hazard is and when you need to react.
- React to the hazard as per the instructions.
- Don’t panic and react before the hazard eventuates.
- Don’t wait until you almost crash before reacting.
- There are some items where No reaction is required.